Official Merchandise

The following is a list of official merchandise currently available from the Lyke Wake Walk

Item Price £
Metal Lyke Wake Walk Crest Shaped Badge £3.00
Woven Lyke Wake Walk Badge (Coffin Shape) £3.00
Woven Shepherd's Round Badge (Circular Shape) £3.00
Woven Hambleton Hobble Badge (Circular Shape) £3.00
Woven White Rose of Yorkshire Badge
(Square Shape)
Woven Cleveland Way Badge (Crest Shape) £3.00
Purple Lyke Wake Walk Ties £10.00
Lyke Wake Walk - the official guide (inc of p&p) £3.50
Hambleton Hobble Leaflet £1.00
Shepherd's Round Leaflet £0.50

To purchase any of the above items, please make all cheques payable P. A. Sherwood, and enclose a stamped addressed envelope -with the correct stamps for the size of envelope. We strongly recommend a padded envelope to prevent any damage occurring.

Please read and digest information on payment as shown on latest information pages.

We will continue to sell the official copyright, trademarked and trade named memorabilia for the Lyke Wake Walk, Lyke Wake Race, Shepherd's Round & Hambleton Hobble for the foreseeable future, i.e as long as they remain financially viable.

All emblems, badges & logos are copyright and some are registered trademarks & tradenames.